Embracing Submission to God: The Path to True Freedom and Strength

Written by Jeyran Main

In the spiritual journey of a believer, the concept of submission to God’s will is foundational yet profoundly challenging. This submission does not merely entail relinquishing our desires but aligning our will with that of the Divine. As we navigate through the complexities of life, the biblical call to prioritize God’s desires over our own offers a transformative perspective on freedom, resistance against temptation, and spiritual growth.

The Essence of Submission

The essence of submission to God is beautifully encapsulated in Jesus’ prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane: “Not my will, but yours be done” (Luke 22:42, NIV). This statement reflects a heart wholly surrendered to God’s plan, regardless of personal cost or understanding. True submission involves trusting God’s wisdom and goodness, even when His ways diverge from our plans or desires.

Submit to God, Resist the Devil

James 4:7 advises believers, “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (NIV). This directive outlines a two-step process vital for spiritual victory. First, we must submit to God, acknowledging His sovereignty and aligning our lives with His will. This submission empowers us to resist the devil effectively. Satan’s influence diminishes in the face of a life dedicated to God’s purposes because, in submitting to God, we align ourselves with the ultimate source of power and authority.

The Power of Praise

One practical way to resist the devil is through praise. When temptation looms, lifting our voices in adoration of God can create a spiritual atmosphere that repels the enemy. Singing God’s name in moments of temptation is not just an act of worship but a declaration of our allegiance to God over the lures of sin. There is profound power in the Word of God and in the invocation of Jesus’ name, a power that darkness cannot withstand.

Resistance Through Submission

The analogy of physical exercise, such as performing wrist-ups without resistance, illustrates a spiritual principle: resistance is essential for growth. Just as muscles strengthen through the challenge of weight, our spiritual muscles are fortified through the resistance against temptation and sin. Submitting to Christ means seeking freedom not just from external constraints but from the bondage of our sinful nature.

Why God Allows Temptation

A common question among believers is why God allows temptation if He desires our good. The answer lies in the gift of free will. God created humans with the ability to choose, for love is meaningless without the freedom to choose it. Being “born again” does not strip us of this choice but invites us into a deeper reliance on God’s strength to choose rightly. Temptations, then, become opportunities to exercise our spiritual muscles, choosing God’s way over our desires.

How to Resist Temptation

Resisting temptation involves several practical steps, including confession to a trusted believer, calling upon Jesus’ name, submitting to God’s will, and praising Him in song. These actions not only help in withstanding temptation but also deepen our relationship with God, reinforcing our commitment to His ways.


The biblical journey of faith is one of continual submission to God’s will, recognizing that true freedom and strength are found not in asserting our desires but in yielding to His. This submission is the key to resisting the devil and growing in spiritual maturity. As we learn to submit to God and embrace the resistance that comes with faith, we not only damage the kingdom of darkness but glorify God in our lives. The path of submission is not one of weakness but of power, for it aligns us with the omnipotent God, whose strength is made perfect in our weakness.

Written by Jeyran Main

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