What is Wrong with the World and How Can We Fix It? Understanding Sin and Redemption through Christ

Written by Jeyran Main

At the heart of many spiritual and moral inquiries lies the question: What is wrong with the world? From a biblical perspective, the answer delves deep into the nature of sin and the unique hope offered through Jesus Christ.

The Nature of Sin

Sin is a concept that transcends mere acts of selfishness or lawlessness; it is fundamentally about rejecting God’s Word and authority. Every human being, save for one, has sinned against God, marring the image of God within us and warranting divine judgment. Sin represents our attempt to usurp God’s place, to establish our identity apart from Him. It’s a transgression of the law God has set before us, revealing our inherently sinful nature from birth. In essence, sin is our failure to live up to the identity and purpose God has designed for us.

The Consequence of Sin

The consequences of sin are profound and far-reaching. Sin separates us from God, leading to a spiritual void that manifests in various forms of brokenness in the world. It distorts our understanding of identity, purpose, and moral direction, leaving us in a state of confusion and alienation. Moreover, sin incurs the judgment of God, a righteous response to the violation of His holy standards.

The Path to Restoration

Despite the bleak picture painted by the reality of sin, the Bible offers a message of hope and restoration through Jesus Christ. Jesus, the only one who lived a sinless life, offers salvation to humanity. He took upon Himself the punishment for our sins, so we might be “born again” into a new life in Him. Through faith in Jesus, we are reconciled to God, restored to His image, and endowed with a “super spiritual deep identity” as sons and daughters of God.

Living in Christ

Being in Christ means more than just a change in status; it’s a call to a transformed life. As believers, we are invited to become partakers of the divine nature, experiencing a gradual transformation into the image of Jesus. This process is not without its struggles, as we contend with our sinful nature. Yet, we are called to live in accordance with God’s Word, making choices that please Him rather than indulging our fleshly desires.

Our bodies, created and loved by God, are meant for Him, and our moral decisions, including how we express our sexual desires, should reflect our commitment to God’s design and purposes.


The problem of sin is universal, touching every aspect of human life and the world at large. Yet, the biblical narrative does not leave us without hope. In Jesus Christ, we find the ultimate solution to sin—redemption and restoration to the image of God. As we navigate the complexities of life, let us cling to the promise of transformation in Christ, embracing our identity as God’s beloved children and living in a manner that reflects His glory and love.

Written by Jeyran Main

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